Overlapping Thoughts
bite-sized brand growth & inspiration
Color Relationships
What I Love
Practicing Pattern
Color Meditation
Echo Art
have it all!?!?!
Inner Circle membership isn't required for you to get great stuff out of inkspace, but it IS a great deal!!!
INNER CIRCLE Members get:
FREE access to mini-courses ($45 each for non-members)
FREE registration for virtual events
DISCOUNTED registration for in-person Find Yourself Field Trips
BONUS access to intimate by-invitation-only brand intensives
SPECIAL Inner Circle-only group assignments
Admission to the inkspace WhatsApp Chat where we all gather in community to support each other, build each other up, and grow in BIG ways!
© 2024 by inKind Design Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Of course, this is not a replacement for professional therapy or professional health care.
All of the brand alignment and art therapy exercises inside of inkspace are rooted in the fundamental principles of human relationships with colors, shapes, art, and creativity. It’s like combining adult coloring books with a walk in nature with a conversation with a trusted business strategist.